Okay, I lied. I'll do teensy weensy bit of commentary. Mostly my opinion on why they would guess what they guessed. Although some don't look it, I think that they are all pretty horny inside and want to see um, more of me. They think if they flatter me...it's messed up.
On the other hand, they could actually be very honest, but can't comprehend what age is, just like a little kid. When I go somewhere in real life and ask a toddler how old they think I am, they usually guess twenty or a number higher than that, because they think it to be so old.
Age is just a number, but I started this project to see what others thought, strangers, not people that I knew.
There are more screenshots...and I'll probably put them up later.
If I have at least one loyal reader, (which I hope I do), I want to say thanks for reading. If not, I'm just talking to myself...which is kind of awkward.
~That Girl From Omegle
Im Encounter Number 1 :) hahahahhaha reid<3