
Keeping Tabs On Merton 2.4

If you're wondering what those tabs are (in my screenshots) and why I have them, here are the reasons. If you've noticed, I recently started adding labels. I was dumb enough not to realize that there was a label option at the bottom of the posting, so I googled how to make labels. :)

Erstwhile Slattern is a blog that I read every once in a while. It's pretty amusing. As you can see, the other tab that I normally have up, is this blog.

The YouTube PianoChatImrov is done by Merton, a talented pianist that started his career on Chat Roulette and Omegle. I hope to see him one day, though the chances of that are very slim.

For some reason, I just never close my tabs. I'm kind of a multi-tasker. :P

Here's one of my favorite videos featuring Merton, because it also includes Omegle.

I don't know how I found Merton...I think I googled Omegle pranks and he popped up. I've been a loyal fan ever since.

~That Girl From Omegle

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Creative Commons License
Guess My Age Omegle by That Girl From Omegle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at omegleage.blogspot.com.