This kid looked like what, in his late teens? Maybe not even that. I'll tell you know that I was joking when I said "enough." I don't even think I look 32. That age is an age for mothers...at least in my opinion.
The faces he made were really odd and unfortunately, I only got that one screenshot.
At first I thought that he was squinting because he had seen a girl (or because he was making fun of my awesome Asian-ness. It's happened before) ...but then I realized that that was just his normal face. Awkward. But harmless compared to what he asked next. Pretty forward guy. I doubt he'd say that to my face in real life, but you never know...

The screenshot above is interesting, because he didn't (and I'm assuming it's a he) choose just one number for my age.
The reason my hair is looking like it's invading my face is because of how the computer was angled toward me. It's like I'm looking down on the webcam :)
~That Girl From Omegle
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