
Copyright © 2.1

I've always wanted to know if you could legitimately protect your work on the internet without paying. How terrible would it be if someone stole your work? Work that you spent so much time on...just for it to be taken away from you. It would stink. I have never really had time to google that. Today I did and I got one. I'm happy. If you scroll down, you can see my snazzy little copyright. (:

Honestly, I don't know if it will help protect my work, but it does look scary enough to ward off stealers.

I don't know what caused me to want to get one, but all of a sudden I just had an inkling and acted on it. That's kind of the way I am.

For those of you with work out there that you don't want to get taken, I recommend getting a free one, like yours truly did. It's fast and easy.

This really has nothing to do with Omegle or age. I'm sorry, I get sidetracked easily.

~That Girl From Omegle

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Creative Commons License
Guess My Age Omegle by That Girl From Omegle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at omegleage.blogspot.com.