
The Actor's Spotlight 1.5

I was pretty surprised to see the Actor post on this blog. Sure, I showed him the link, but did I actually think that he would read it? No. The thing that gave it away was Reid.

Kind of an "inside" joke. (:

I'm actually curious why the Actor disconnected from me. I wasn't that bad was I? :P

I'd like to give a shout out to the Actor:

You seriously made my day when it turned out that you weren't a girl looking for her lover. That would have been odd. Especially through Omegle. I was about to tell you that maybe looking for Phil wasn't such a good idea...

I'll be honest. You actually seemed like a genuine, lovestruck woman. It's strange, but I know of a lot of relationships that formed off meeting in a chat room...so the sole plot was pretty believable. Growing old in Milan, well, that wasn't.

When you told me that you had something to say, that's when I knew it was a joke and beat you to the punch. By joke, I didn't mean, "haha. I meant untrue/made up. The best part of our conversation other than Reid? The loss of capitalization. Now that, was hilarious. :)
It was nice meeting you, Actor.

You gave me a big insight on Omegle that I hadn't had before.

Reid Forever ♥

~That Girl From Omegle

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Guess My Age Omegle by That Girl From Omegle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at omegleage.blogspot.com.