At chat sites with video such as these, you expect "male parts." You think you'd get used to them after a while, but...well in my view, you don't. It's still pretty gross seeing a guy with his thing jammed up near the webcam.
I've developed a trick of sorts, where I use a piece of paper to cover the lower part of the screen. That way, I can avoid seeing what's going on down there. (: Smart huh?
On my conquest today, the most distrubing thing I saw was a man...that could have been my friends' fathers' ages. Not only that, but he looked EERILY similar to one particular friend's dad. That I see a lot. And the worst part? I could tell he was about to hit on me...ew. I mean seriously? This guy looked like a dad. He looked like he could have had a wife right downstairs. More than disturbing, it was quite sad. I mean, lots of guys watch pornos and stuff, but actually trying to engage with a young girl on Omegle? Hoping to get lucky and get some skin? Downright disgusting.
Then again, these are all judgements and not one could have the smallest fragment of truth. But...even if he wasn't a father or a's still gross knowing that this man goes on Omegle in his spare time. I don't know what kind of audience Omegle appeals to...well actually (probably mostly guys in their late teens or early 20s that aren't ashamed to jack off...) Honestly, I can't imagine "masturbating" in front of the webcam. Have they no shame? Even though they have the cloak of anonymity in their power, it still seems like such a gross act. Maybe it's just me. The gender barrier probably adds to my confusion and disgust.
Back to the old guy...In my opinion, well, I think this guy just looked too, well, old. To put in simply and redundantly. Harsh, I know. To me, he just seems like the type that doesn't know how to access Omegle, let alone turn on the computer.
The conversation didn't get very far, as you can see below.

I really think he looks like a dad. What do you think?
As for the age...I wasn't surprised. I don't know what you guys think, but twenty actually isn't all that old. In this particular shot, I think I look like a ghostly girl of sorts. It's probably the light behind me that gives that effect. Lighting really changes how someone don't realize it, but it does. Personally, I think this particular lighting makes me look very unflattering. Oh and also the fact that my expression's a bit odd and my face looks really oily and horrible. Sometimes I think I'm too hard on myself.
You'll probably see a lot more odd expressions in later posts. I can't really execute a genuine pose when I'm trying to press the "Prt Screen" key to get the screenshot and look at the webcam at the same time while trying to look appealing and camera friendly.
Since this post is extremely long, I'll probably post the next screenshot in a new post. Hopefully the posts won't always be this long...and hopefully you liked it.
Until next post...which will probably be in a few minutes. :P
~That Girl From Omegle
I agree, particularly disgusting....