
It Starts.1

November 22, 2010 marks the start of my 10 day blog. For no reason whatsoever, I will videochat on Omegle for 10 days, minimum 10 minutes...maximum...well let's not go there. ;)

I will ask my fellow Omeglers how old they think I am.

Then, I will record findings, screenshots, etc and put them on this blog, along with a small bit of commentary.

Keep watch for new posts and if you're wondering, I won't tell you my age.
Even if you ask nicely.

I'll probably reveal all on Day 10.

Each following post will include commentary and some screenshots, some posts only dedicated to screenshots.


~That Girl From Omegle

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Creative Commons License
Guess My Age Omegle by That Girl From Omegle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at omegleage.blogspot.com.