I'm falling behind a few days, but hey, today's a holiday. I have an excuse.
I spent most of the day OFF Omegle and IN real life with family.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
~That Girl From Omegle
The 8th Grader. 3
I had an interesting non-video chat with a girl supposedly in 8th grade.
It was...a new experience, to say the least.
You be the judge.
I was on my old computer because it surprisingly runs faster than my new one. Odd huh?
The following is a series of screenshots of my conversation with the 8th Grader.
In my opinion, Omegle's not really a place for young kids...I still get surprised when someone asks me to sexually role play with them.

I started out using no capitalization or grammar. :0

My highest age guess has been 32. My lowest, according to an 8th grade girl, is 13...the age of an 8th grade girl. :/ I'd rather be 32 than to be an 8th grade girl. Seriously.

Then she guesses 15. And then 21. Wow. Big change right there.

And back to...19? This girl is crazy with her guesses! :/

I disconnected.
~That Girl From Omegle
It was...a new experience, to say the least.
You be the judge.
I was on my old computer because it surprisingly runs faster than my new one. Odd huh?
The following is a series of screenshots of my conversation with the 8th Grader.
In my opinion, Omegle's not really a place for young kids...I still get surprised when someone asks me to sexually role play with them.

I started out using no capitalization or grammar. :0

My highest age guess has been 32. My lowest, according to an 8th grade girl, is 13...the age of an 8th grade girl. :/ I'd rather be 32 than to be an 8th grade girl. Seriously.

Then she guesses 15. And then 21. Wow. Big change right there.

And back to...19? This girl is crazy with her guesses! :/

I disconnected.
~That Girl From Omegle
Finally More Screenshots 2.5
I actually didn't take that many screenshots on Day 2.

My hair is in my face again >.<

This guy seemed fairly normal...and I felt bad for disconnecting, so I told him about the blog. He seemed like your typical college student or high school senior staying up late doing who knows what on Omegle. At least he didn't ask to see tits or anything. Maybe he didn't have the chance. I usually disconnect after I get my answer.

My face is kind of messed up in this shot. So, I took it out. Ugh. :/
It's interesting seeing signs rather than faces, because I'm always curious how they get the message up there. I'm surprised most of the time, when they answer my question.
One time, I asked and they didn't answer...somehow the conversation turned into me lying about being a transvestite. I have nothing against transvestites, but it's kind of uncommon and I thought that he would disconnect. He didn't. I think he believed my lie, because he said that it was cool and that he likes "that" too.
~That Girl From Omegle

My hair is in my face again >.<

This guy seemed fairly normal...and I felt bad for disconnecting, so I told him about the blog. He seemed like your typical college student or high school senior staying up late doing who knows what on Omegle. At least he didn't ask to see tits or anything. Maybe he didn't have the chance. I usually disconnect after I get my answer.

My face is kind of messed up in this shot. So, I took it out. Ugh. :/
It's interesting seeing signs rather than faces, because I'm always curious how they get the message up there. I'm surprised most of the time, when they answer my question.
One time, I asked and they didn't answer...somehow the conversation turned into me lying about being a transvestite. I have nothing against transvestites, but it's kind of uncommon and I thought that he would disconnect. He didn't. I think he believed my lie, because he said that it was cool and that he likes "that" too.
~That Girl From Omegle
Keeping Tabs On Merton 2.4
If you're wondering what those tabs are (in my screenshots) and why I have them, here are the reasons. If you've noticed, I recently started adding labels. I was dumb enough not to realize that there was a label option at the bottom of the posting, so I googled how to make labels. :)
Erstwhile Slattern is a blog that I read every once in a while. It's pretty amusing. As you can see, the other tab that I normally have up, is this blog.
The YouTube PianoChatImrov is done by Merton, a talented pianist that started his career on Chat Roulette and Omegle. I hope to see him one day, though the chances of that are very slim.
For some reason, I just never close my tabs. I'm kind of a multi-tasker. :P
Here's one of my favorite videos featuring Merton, because it also includes Omegle.
I don't know how I found Merton...I think I googled Omegle pranks and he popped up. I've been a loyal fan ever since.
~That Girl From Omegle
Erstwhile Slattern is a blog that I read every once in a while. It's pretty amusing. As you can see, the other tab that I normally have up, is this blog.
The YouTube PianoChatImrov is done by Merton, a talented pianist that started his career on Chat Roulette and Omegle. I hope to see him one day, though the chances of that are very slim.
For some reason, I just never close my tabs. I'm kind of a multi-tasker. :P
Here's one of my favorite videos featuring Merton, because it also includes Omegle.
I don't know how I found Merton...I think I googled Omegle pranks and he popped up. I've been a loyal fan ever since.
~That Girl From Omegle
32. Really. 2.3
I was a bit concerned last night when I asked the question...and the answer was 32. Frankly, I'm not sure that he was even joking. :|

This kid looked like what, in his late teens? Maybe not even that. I'll tell you know that I was joking when I said "enough." I don't even think I look 32. That age is an age for mothers...at least in my opinion.
The faces he made were really odd and unfortunately, I only got that one screenshot.
At first I thought that he was squinting because he had seen a girl (or because he was making fun of my awesome Asian-ness. It's happened before) ...but then I realized that that was just his normal face. Awkward. But harmless compared to what he asked next. Pretty forward guy. I doubt he'd say that to my face in real life, but you never know...

The screenshot above is interesting, because he didn't (and I'm assuming it's a he) choose just one number for my age.
The reason my hair is looking like it's invading my face is because of how the computer was angled toward me. It's like I'm looking down on the webcam :)
~That Girl From Omegle

This kid looked like what, in his late teens? Maybe not even that. I'll tell you know that I was joking when I said "enough." I don't even think I look 32. That age is an age for mothers...at least in my opinion.
The faces he made were really odd and unfortunately, I only got that one screenshot.
At first I thought that he was squinting because he had seen a girl (or because he was making fun of my awesome Asian-ness. It's happened before) ...but then I realized that that was just his normal face. Awkward. But harmless compared to what he asked next. Pretty forward guy. I doubt he'd say that to my face in real life, but you never know...

The screenshot above is interesting, because he didn't (and I'm assuming it's a he) choose just one number for my age.
The reason my hair is looking like it's invading my face is because of how the computer was angled toward me. It's like I'm looking down on the webcam :)
~That Girl From Omegle
An Apology 2.2
I have no idea if the person I'm directing this at reads this blog, but I'm going to put out an apology any way. I didn't know that the Actor was reading this, but it turns out he was. Maybe Croatia is as well. (:
Today I was chatting with you. We talked about music and people watching and snow and college. I disconnected without letting you say good bye.
I'm sorry, it wasn't right of me to do that.
There's a very big difference between "I'm sorry," and "Please may I have your forgiveness?"
When saying sorry, it means that the incident was an accident. I purposely disconnected from you, Croatia, and I didn't let you properly say good bye. Now that I look back on it, I don't know why I did it. I acted on an impulse. I don't even know why I had the impulse to act.
It's not a good sign when one doesn't know why they do what they do.
Let me just say this. I regretted disconnecting so rudely and wished I could take it back.
It would be nice to have your forgiveness, Croatia, but I'm not sure if you'll even see this.
~That Girl From Omegle
Today I was chatting with you. We talked about music and people watching and snow and college. I disconnected without letting you say good bye.
I'm sorry, it wasn't right of me to do that.
There's a very big difference between "I'm sorry," and "Please may I have your forgiveness?"
When saying sorry, it means that the incident was an accident. I purposely disconnected from you, Croatia, and I didn't let you properly say good bye. Now that I look back on it, I don't know why I did it. I acted on an impulse. I don't even know why I had the impulse to act.
It's not a good sign when one doesn't know why they do what they do.
Let me just say this. I regretted disconnecting so rudely and wished I could take it back.
It would be nice to have your forgiveness, Croatia, but I'm not sure if you'll even see this.
~That Girl From Omegle
good bye,
people watching,
Copyright © 2.1
I've always wanted to know if you could legitimately protect your work on the internet without paying. How terrible would it be if someone stole your work? Work that you spent so much time on...just for it to be taken away from you. It would stink. I have never really had time to google that. Today I did and I got one. I'm happy. If you scroll down, you can see my snazzy little copyright. (:
Honestly, I don't know if it will help protect my work, but it does look scary enough to ward off stealers.
I don't know what caused me to want to get one, but all of a sudden I just had an inkling and acted on it. That's kind of the way I am.
For those of you with work out there that you don't want to get taken, I recommend getting a free one, like yours truly did. It's fast and easy.
This really has nothing to do with Omegle or age. I'm sorry, I get sidetracked easily.
~That Girl From Omegle
Honestly, I don't know if it will help protect my work, but it does look scary enough to ward off stealers.
I don't know what caused me to want to get one, but all of a sudden I just had an inkling and acted on it. That's kind of the way I am.
For those of you with work out there that you don't want to get taken, I recommend getting a free one, like yours truly did. It's fast and easy.
This really has nothing to do with Omegle or age. I'm sorry, I get sidetracked easily.
~That Girl From Omegle
New Layout. 2
2 marks the beginning of a new section. And...a new layout! Using my skills with Paint, I tried to create a banner similar to that of Omegle's. I was too cheap to buy the real font, which is called Hobo.
Hobo. Interesting.
Change is good.
~That Girl From Omegle
Hobo. Interesting.
Change is good.
~That Girl From Omegle
The Actor's Spotlight 1.5
I was pretty surprised to see the Actor post on this blog. Sure, I showed him the link, but did I actually think that he would read it? No. The thing that gave it away was Reid.
Kind of an "inside" joke. (:
I'm actually curious why the Actor disconnected from me. I wasn't that bad was I? :P
I'd like to give a shout out to the Actor:
You seriously made my day when it turned out that you weren't a girl looking for her lover. That would have been odd. Especially through Omegle. I was about to tell you that maybe looking for Phil wasn't such a good idea...
I'll be honest. You actually seemed like a genuine, lovestruck woman. It's strange, but I know of a lot of relationships that formed off meeting in a chat room...so the sole plot was pretty believable. Growing old in Milan, well, that wasn't.
When you told me that you had something to say, that's when I knew it was a joke and beat you to the punch. By joke, I didn't mean, "haha. I meant untrue/made up. The best part of our conversation other than Reid? The loss of capitalization. Now that, was hilarious. :)
It was nice meeting you, Actor.
You gave me a big insight on Omegle that I hadn't had before.
Reid Forever ♥

~That Girl From Omegle
Kind of an "inside" joke. (:
I'm actually curious why the Actor disconnected from me. I wasn't that bad was I? :P
I'd like to give a shout out to the Actor:
You seriously made my day when it turned out that you weren't a girl looking for her lover. That would have been odd. Especially through Omegle. I was about to tell you that maybe looking for Phil wasn't such a good idea...
I'll be honest. You actually seemed like a genuine, lovestruck woman. It's strange, but I know of a lot of relationships that formed off meeting in a chat room...so the sole plot was pretty believable. Growing old in Milan, well, that wasn't.
When you told me that you had something to say, that's when I knew it was a joke and beat you to the punch. By joke, I didn't mean, "haha. I meant untrue/made up. The best part of our conversation other than Reid? The loss of capitalization. Now that, was hilarious. :)
It was nice meeting you, Actor.
You gave me a big insight on Omegle that I hadn't had before.
Reid Forever ♥

~That Girl From Omegle
Regular Chat 1.4
Aside from my project, I sometimes visit the chat only. At the chat, you can lie about anything, because no one sees your appearance. The following encounters could have been made up or they could be the truth. I'll never know. In the past, I've lied about my ASL...usually concerning my L. Japan could totally work! :P
ENCOUNTER.1: The Actor
A day ago I met a fourteen year old boy pretending to be a girl looking for "her" long lost love. It was believable at first, but after a while, it seemed pretty cheesy. It was in fact, quite interesting. We continued talking about various subjects including this project and Criminal Minds. This was of course, after he admitted to being an actor.
ENCOUNTER.2: The English Woman
I had a long conversation with a woman from England about the education of the United States and England's royal engagement. She was an interesting character. We started out, however, talking about McDonald's. I even showed her a Youtube ad of the models Japan uses for their Mcdonald's commercials.
Here's the female version:
You can easily find the other ad with the male model.
Back to the main subject...I usually maintain conversations with those who use capitalization, correct grammar and punctuation, and have interesting things to say. These conversations, unlike my video chat conversations, can last up to thirty minutes. Sometimes even more than an hour.
There are many interesting people who go onto Omegle for whatever reason. The majority of the reasons include one word. Boredom.
Before I started this project, that was my reason, too.
~That Girl From Omegle
ENCOUNTER.1: The Actor
A day ago I met a fourteen year old boy pretending to be a girl looking for "her" long lost love. It was believable at first, but after a while, it seemed pretty cheesy. It was in fact, quite interesting. We continued talking about various subjects including this project and Criminal Minds. This was of course, after he admitted to being an actor.
ENCOUNTER.2: The English Woman
I had a long conversation with a woman from England about the education of the United States and England's royal engagement. She was an interesting character. We started out, however, talking about McDonald's. I even showed her a Youtube ad of the models Japan uses for their Mcdonald's commercials.
Here's the female version:
You can easily find the other ad with the male model.
Back to the main subject...I usually maintain conversations with those who use capitalization, correct grammar and punctuation, and have interesting things to say. These conversations, unlike my video chat conversations, can last up to thirty minutes. Sometimes even more than an hour.
There are many interesting people who go onto Omegle for whatever reason. The majority of the reasons include one word. Boredom.
Before I started this project, that was my reason, too.
~That Girl From Omegle
English Woman,
Screenshots 1.3
I can't continue on with long posts. It's annoying me probably even more than it's annoying you. Therefore, this post will just be screenshots of my encounters. No commentary. Just a bunch of pictures with me asking what my age is.

Okay, I lied. I'll do teensy weensy bit of commentary. Mostly my opinion on why they would guess what they guessed. Although some don't look it, I think that they are all pretty horny inside and want to see um, more of me. They think if they flatter me...it's messed up.
On the other hand, they could actually be very honest, but can't comprehend what age is, just like a little kid. When I go somewhere in real life and ask a toddler how old they think I am, they usually guess twenty or a number higher than that, because they think it to be so old.
Age is just a number, but I started this project to see what others thought, strangers, not people that I knew.
There are more screenshots...and I'll probably put them up later.
If I have at least one loyal reader, (which I hope I do), I want to say thanks for reading. If not, I'm just talking to myself...which is kind of awkward.
~That Girl From Omegle

Okay, I lied. I'll do teensy weensy bit of commentary. Mostly my opinion on why they would guess what they guessed. Although some don't look it, I think that they are all pretty horny inside and want to see um, more of me. They think if they flatter me...it's messed up.
On the other hand, they could actually be very honest, but can't comprehend what age is, just like a little kid. When I go somewhere in real life and ask a toddler how old they think I am, they usually guess twenty or a number higher than that, because they think it to be so old.
Age is just a number, but I started this project to see what others thought, strangers, not people that I knew.
There are more screenshots...and I'll probably put them up later.
If I have at least one loyal reader, (which I hope I do), I want to say thanks for reading. If not, I'm just talking to myself...which is kind of awkward.
~That Girl From Omegle
A Wild Female Omegler Has Appeared 1.2
Rarely, and I do mean rarely, do you ever see a girl on Omegle. Usually it's men...and sometimes not even the mens' faces. Actually, you probably see more "parts" than you see faces combined. At least that's the case for me. Every once in a while I see screenshots asking to see bras or some kind of skin, usually breasts...more appropriately called in this case, tits.
A common phrase is "TITS OR GTFO." I find that kind of...I don't know. Lots of things on the internet are questionable nowadays.
A day ago, before I started this project, I was on my Omeglethon and met this man who said he was from Spain. We had a conversation, but it came to an immediate end when he said "TITS OR GTFO." I think it was even in caps.
I now realize that what I sign off as, "TGFO" is just a switcheroo from "GTFO"
If you hadn't noticed, TGFO stands for "That Girl From Omegle." I didn't plan the uncanny similarity. Sometimes if I glance too fast, it actually looks like GTFO.
Back to girls. Whenever I happen to see a girl, they usually disconnect from me, which makes me quite sad. Which brings me to think that maybe they actually want to see penises and horny men? I mean, I'm just a harmless Asian chick. ^-^
Every once in while, the girls stick around and we have a lovely, short conversation. One of my favorite encounters was with this girl with really awesome, teased, dyed pink hair. It was gorgeous.
When I was younger, I used to play Pokemon, (such.a.nerd.) hence, the title of this particular post. Whenever I was searching for a rare Pokemon, I always got disappointed when I found yet another common Pidgey...you probably don't know what I'm talking about, but for you Pokenerds out there, I'll do a little comparison with Omegle and the Safari Zone.
Chansey is a really good Pokemon, quite rare, and only available in the Safari Zone. (At least in my Fire Red version.) Seeing a Chansey, let alone catching one, is very unlikely if you have only been searching for a few minutes. Usually, Venonats and other annoying bug Pokemon appear. I think these bug Pokemon are like the Omeglers that like to show off their parts. Far too common and very worthless.
Sometimes, I encountered a Rhyhorn, which is kind of uncommon and worth a bit more than a bug Pokemon. However, it wasn't a Chansey. This my friend, is being compared to the guys that want to talk to you with their shirts and pants on. Nice, but if you're searching for a girl, not worth very much to you.
As you can see by now, Chanseys are girls on Omegle. Few appear and few stay. I remember how frustrated I used to get when I finally encountered a Chansey and it fled away from me. All that hard work for nothing. :'(
When girls see me, a lot disconnect. Probably not because I'm ugly, (at least I hope not) but because they're looking for guys to talk to. Not horny guys, just regular ones.
I hope that comparison made a bit of sense. If not, you can realize how oh so nerdy I was (and probably still am.)
I keep getting off track. This post is actually dedicated to a woman I met. We had a conversation that lasted more than a few lines. I was happy when she didn't disconnect from me. I'm not searching for girls for this project, but it would be boring if only men guessed my age, right?
Below you can see how um, womanly she was.

She was quite nice too, though, I never got to see her face. People say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and I truly agree with that. Personally, I'd rather see a girl's eyes than her chest...
Below is a continuation of the conversation. I disconnected shortly after to chase after my next victim. Er, I mean example, for my project.

Ah, I just realized that I spelled "compliment" wrong. I hate typos. This sounds weird, but when I see a typo, it hurts me. I know, I'm weird. :P
I'm not lying about Asians having flat chests. It's true. I've said it before and I'll say it again. In a heart beat. At first I was wondering why a girl dressed like...or underdressed like that would want to talk to me for so long.
That's when I found out the reason. I have nothing against bi people, or gay/lesbian people for that matter, but to be dreadfully honest, it makes me a bit uncomfortable staring into the chest of a bi woman who took an interest in me...I'm not homophobic, I swear.
Not many straight girls stay and chat with me. I was talking to this girl and she admitted she was lesbian. I think straight girls aim for a possible chance at a mixed up internet romance, hoping to find their soulmate (if there's one) and to make fun of the other people on Omegle (if it's a group of girls.)
I think it's amazing how Omegle went from a place to find "friends" to a stalker's paradise. Kind of like Facebook.
I'm sorry that this is another long post, but once I started talking about Pokemon, I couldn't stop. :P I think part of it's still in me and to be honest, I'll probably be picking up a copy of White in the spring.
Sorry again if I bored you with my Omegle//Pokemon comparison. I know how it is when you read a huge paragraph on something you're totally not into. Boring. Waste. Of. Time.
~That Girl From Omegle
A common phrase is "TITS OR GTFO." I find that kind of...I don't know. Lots of things on the internet are questionable nowadays.
A day ago, before I started this project, I was on my Omeglethon and met this man who said he was from Spain. We had a conversation, but it came to an immediate end when he said "TITS OR GTFO." I think it was even in caps.
I now realize that what I sign off as, "TGFO" is just a switcheroo from "GTFO"
If you hadn't noticed, TGFO stands for "That Girl From Omegle." I didn't plan the uncanny similarity. Sometimes if I glance too fast, it actually looks like GTFO.
Back to girls. Whenever I happen to see a girl, they usually disconnect from me, which makes me quite sad. Which brings me to think that maybe they actually want to see penises and horny men? I mean, I'm just a harmless Asian chick. ^-^
Every once in while, the girls stick around and we have a lovely, short conversation. One of my favorite encounters was with this girl with really awesome, teased, dyed pink hair. It was gorgeous.
When I was younger, I used to play Pokemon, (such.a.nerd.) hence, the title of this particular post. Whenever I was searching for a rare Pokemon, I always got disappointed when I found yet another common Pidgey...you probably don't know what I'm talking about, but for you Pokenerds out there, I'll do a little comparison with Omegle and the Safari Zone.
Chansey is a really good Pokemon, quite rare, and only available in the Safari Zone. (At least in my Fire Red version.) Seeing a Chansey, let alone catching one, is very unlikely if you have only been searching for a few minutes. Usually, Venonats and other annoying bug Pokemon appear. I think these bug Pokemon are like the Omeglers that like to show off their parts. Far too common and very worthless.
Sometimes, I encountered a Rhyhorn, which is kind of uncommon and worth a bit more than a bug Pokemon. However, it wasn't a Chansey. This my friend, is being compared to the guys that want to talk to you with their shirts and pants on. Nice, but if you're searching for a girl, not worth very much to you.
As you can see by now, Chanseys are girls on Omegle. Few appear and few stay. I remember how frustrated I used to get when I finally encountered a Chansey and it fled away from me. All that hard work for nothing. :'(
When girls see me, a lot disconnect. Probably not because I'm ugly, (at least I hope not) but because they're looking for guys to talk to. Not horny guys, just regular ones.
I hope that comparison made a bit of sense. If not, you can realize how oh so nerdy I was (and probably still am.)
I keep getting off track. This post is actually dedicated to a woman I met. We had a conversation that lasted more than a few lines. I was happy when she didn't disconnect from me. I'm not searching for girls for this project, but it would be boring if only men guessed my age, right?
Below you can see how um, womanly she was.

She was quite nice too, though, I never got to see her face. People say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and I truly agree with that. Personally, I'd rather see a girl's eyes than her chest...
Below is a continuation of the conversation. I disconnected shortly after to chase after my next victim. Er, I mean example, for my project.

Ah, I just realized that I spelled "compliment" wrong. I hate typos. This sounds weird, but when I see a typo, it hurts me. I know, I'm weird. :P
I'm not lying about Asians having flat chests. It's true. I've said it before and I'll say it again. In a heart beat. At first I was wondering why a girl dressed like...or underdressed like that would want to talk to me for so long.
That's when I found out the reason. I have nothing against bi people, or gay/lesbian people for that matter, but to be dreadfully honest, it makes me a bit uncomfortable staring into the chest of a bi woman who took an interest in me...I'm not homophobic, I swear.
Not many straight girls stay and chat with me. I was talking to this girl and she admitted she was lesbian. I think straight girls aim for a possible chance at a mixed up internet romance, hoping to find their soulmate (if there's one) and to make fun of the other people on Omegle (if it's a group of girls.)
I think it's amazing how Omegle went from a place to find "friends" to a stalker's paradise. Kind of like Facebook.
I'm sorry that this is another long post, but once I started talking about Pokemon, I couldn't stop. :P I think part of it's still in me and to be honest, I'll probably be picking up a copy of White in the spring.
Sorry again if I bored you with my Omegle//Pokemon comparison. I know how it is when you read a huge paragraph on something you're totally not into. Boring. Waste. Of. Time.
~That Girl From Omegle
Of Omegle and Men 1.1
It's been a few hours since my first post announcing this project. I was a bit disturbed at what I encountered at first, but it was nothing compared to my first initial Omegle video chat experience.
At chat sites with video such as these, you expect "male parts." You think you'd get used to them after a while, but...well in my view, you don't. It's still pretty gross seeing a guy with his thing jammed up near the webcam.
I've developed a trick of sorts, where I use a piece of paper to cover the lower part of the screen. That way, I can avoid seeing what's going on down there. (: Smart huh?
On my conquest today, the most distrubing thing I saw was a man...that could have been my friends' fathers' ages. Not only that, but he looked EERILY similar to one particular friend's dad. That I see a lot. And the worst part? I could tell he was about to hit on me...ew. I mean seriously? This guy looked like a dad. He looked like he could have had a wife right downstairs. More than disturbing, it was quite sad. I mean, lots of guys watch pornos and stuff, but actually trying to engage with a young girl on Omegle? Hoping to get lucky and get some skin? Downright disgusting.
Then again, these are all judgements and not one could have the smallest fragment of truth. But...even if he wasn't a father or a husband...it's still gross knowing that this man goes on Omegle in his spare time. I don't know what kind of audience Omegle appeals to...well actually (probably mostly guys in their late teens or early 20s that aren't ashamed to jack off...) Honestly, I can't imagine "masturbating" in front of the webcam. Have they no shame? Even though they have the cloak of anonymity in their power, it still seems like such a gross act. Maybe it's just me. The gender barrier probably adds to my confusion and disgust.
Back to the old guy...In my opinion, well, I think this guy just looked too, well, old. To put in simply and redundantly. Harsh, I know. To me, he just seems like the type that doesn't know how to access Omegle, let alone turn on the computer.
The conversation didn't get very far, as you can see below.

I really think he looks like a dad. What do you think?
As for the age...I wasn't surprised. I don't know what you guys think, but twenty actually isn't all that old. In this particular shot, I think I look like a ghostly girl of sorts. It's probably the light behind me that gives that effect. Lighting really changes how someone looks...you don't realize it, but it does. Personally, I think this particular lighting makes me look very unflattering. Oh and also the fact that my expression's a bit odd and my face looks really oily and horrible. Sometimes I think I'm too hard on myself.
You'll probably see a lot more odd expressions in later posts. I can't really execute a genuine pose when I'm trying to press the "Prt Screen" key to get the screenshot and look at the webcam at the same time while trying to look appealing and camera friendly.
Since this post is extremely long, I'll probably post the next screenshot in a new post. Hopefully the posts won't always be this long...and hopefully you liked it.
Until next post...which will probably be in a few minutes. :P
~That Girl From Omegle
At chat sites with video such as these, you expect "male parts." You think you'd get used to them after a while, but...well in my view, you don't. It's still pretty gross seeing a guy with his thing jammed up near the webcam.
I've developed a trick of sorts, where I use a piece of paper to cover the lower part of the screen. That way, I can avoid seeing what's going on down there. (: Smart huh?
On my conquest today, the most distrubing thing I saw was a man...that could have been my friends' fathers' ages. Not only that, but he looked EERILY similar to one particular friend's dad. That I see a lot. And the worst part? I could tell he was about to hit on me...ew. I mean seriously? This guy looked like a dad. He looked like he could have had a wife right downstairs. More than disturbing, it was quite sad. I mean, lots of guys watch pornos and stuff, but actually trying to engage with a young girl on Omegle? Hoping to get lucky and get some skin? Downright disgusting.
Then again, these are all judgements and not one could have the smallest fragment of truth. But...even if he wasn't a father or a husband...it's still gross knowing that this man goes on Omegle in his spare time. I don't know what kind of audience Omegle appeals to...well actually (probably mostly guys in their late teens or early 20s that aren't ashamed to jack off...) Honestly, I can't imagine "masturbating" in front of the webcam. Have they no shame? Even though they have the cloak of anonymity in their power, it still seems like such a gross act. Maybe it's just me. The gender barrier probably adds to my confusion and disgust.
Back to the old guy...In my opinion, well, I think this guy just looked too, well, old. To put in simply and redundantly. Harsh, I know. To me, he just seems like the type that doesn't know how to access Omegle, let alone turn on the computer.
The conversation didn't get very far, as you can see below.

I really think he looks like a dad. What do you think?
As for the age...I wasn't surprised. I don't know what you guys think, but twenty actually isn't all that old. In this particular shot, I think I look like a ghostly girl of sorts. It's probably the light behind me that gives that effect. Lighting really changes how someone looks...you don't realize it, but it does. Personally, I think this particular lighting makes me look very unflattering. Oh and also the fact that my expression's a bit odd and my face looks really oily and horrible. Sometimes I think I'm too hard on myself.
You'll probably see a lot more odd expressions in later posts. I can't really execute a genuine pose when I'm trying to press the "Prt Screen" key to get the screenshot and look at the webcam at the same time while trying to look appealing and camera friendly.
Since this post is extremely long, I'll probably post the next screenshot in a new post. Hopefully the posts won't always be this long...and hopefully you liked it.
Until next post...which will probably be in a few minutes. :P
~That Girl From Omegle
It Starts.1
November 22, 2010 marks the start of my 10 day blog. For no reason whatsoever, I will videochat on Omegle for 10 days, minimum 10 minutes...maximum...well let's not go there. ;)
I will ask my fellow Omeglers how old they think I am.
Then, I will record findings, screenshots, etc and put them on this blog, along with a small bit of commentary.
Keep watch for new posts and if you're wondering, I won't tell you my age.
Even if you ask nicely.
I'll probably reveal all on Day 10.
Each following post will include commentary and some screenshots, some posts only dedicated to screenshots.
~That Girl From Omegle
I will ask my fellow Omeglers how old they think I am.
Then, I will record findings, screenshots, etc and put them on this blog, along with a small bit of commentary.
Keep watch for new posts and if you're wondering, I won't tell you my age.
Even if you ask nicely.
I'll probably reveal all on Day 10.
Each following post will include commentary and some screenshots, some posts only dedicated to screenshots.
~That Girl From Omegle
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